Excel is a powerful tool for data analysis and organization. However, highlighting specific columns can improve visibility and readability. If you’re wondering how to highlight two columns in Excel, this guide will walk you through the process with easy-to-follow steps and practical examples.

Why Highlight Two Columns in Excel?

Highlighting two columns in Excel can be useful for:

  • Comparing data side by side
  • Making specific columns stand out in large datasets
  • Enhancing visual representation for better analysis

Method 1: Using Conditional Formatting to Highlight Two Columns Based on Criteria

If you want to highlight two columns based on specific conditions, you can use Conditional Formatting:

  1. Select both columns
    • Click and drag to select both columns. Alternatively, click the first column, hold Ctrl (Command on Mac), and click the second column.

2. Go to Conditional Formatting

  • Navigate to the Home tab.
  • Click on Conditional Formatting in the ribbon.

3. Choose a formatting rule

  • Select Highlight Cell Rules or click New Rule to define custom criteria.

4. Enter your condition

  • For example, to highlight all values greater than 50:
    • Choose Greater Than…

5 . Click the Greater Than

Enter 50 Pick a highlight colour.

6. Apply the rule

  • Click OK, and Excel will automatically highlight the matching cells in both columns.

Method 2: Manually Selecting and Highlighting Two Columns

If you need a quick way to highlight two columns in Excel, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the first column letter
    • For example, if you want to highlight Column A, click on the letter A at the top of the column.
  2. Hold down the Ctrl key (Command key on Mac)
    • This allows you to select multiple columns.
  3. Click on the second column letter
    • For instance, if you want to highlight Column C, click on the letter C while holding down Ctrl (or Command on Mac).
  4. Apply highlighting
    • Go to the Home tab.
    • Click on the Fill Colour option (paint bucket icon).
    • Select your preferred colour.

As a result, your two selected columns should now be highlighted with the chosen colour!


Highlighting two columns in Excel can be done manually by selecting them with the Ctrl/Command key or dynamically using Conditional Formatting. The manual method is quick for temporary highlighting, while conditional formatting allows for automated and rule-based highlighting. Choosing the right method depends on your specific needs for data visualization and organization.

Do you use the Drag Columns In Excel for your reports? If so, let us know.